August 23, 2010

Why arrow code is bad

I, like Jeff Atwood, don't like arrow code.

But is arrow code actually bad, or just unsightly? It's bad. Jeff mentions cyclomatic complexity but doesn't describe it; so see Wikipedia.

In particular,

[Most of the relevant] studies find a strong positive correlation between cyclomatic complexity and defects: modules that have the highest complexity tend to also contain the most defects.

August 10, 2010

How Ryan Tomayko explained REST to his wife

The web is built on an architectural style called REST. REST provides a definition of a resource, which is what [URLs] point to.

A web page is a representation of a resource. Resources are just concepts. [URLs] tell the browser that there’s a concept somewhere. A browser can then go ask for a specific representation of the concept. Specifically, the browser asks for the web page representation of the concept.

Full post on Ryan's blog